We have moved apartments again. There was a conference of some sort on in Kiev, and we asked if it was possible to move someplace even cheaper than where were were to save a few extra bucks but we had to wait until this morning. Man, our place before was pretty much the Taj Mahal compared to our little chateaux now. We are over a McDonalds in a studio apt that over looks a parking lot. Our neighbor next door evidently listens to Ukrainian techno music at ear splitting volumes which causes the wall to vibrate against the headboard of our bed. Seriously, it’s like having schizophrenia with her music and our TV on at the same time. God help us.
Ruslav the taxi driver came to get all our suitcases, and his car was packed so we just walked around the corner to our new place. I had wet hair still from the shower, I was carrying a wine bottle with a long stem rose in it, and a makeup bag. Ois carried a plastic shopping bag of trash and a random shower puff that we almost forgot in the bathroom and down we paraded through the street, past people dressed for work, staring at us in the early afternoon sun. “Jesus, we look like we’re homeless!” he blurted and I seriously laughed harder than I think I have since we got here- like, tears in the eyes laughing, which I’m sure made me look like a CRAZY homeless person, to boot.
Here is a list of pros and cons about our new place:
PRO: We inherited a free bottle of balsamic vinegar in the cupboard. Score!
CON: We live above a McDonalds.
PRO: We still have a teeny balcony.
CON: It overlooks a parking lot, garbage cans, and a dead pigeon on the roof.
PRO: If we need to take out the garbage, all we have to do is aim carefully and chuck it off the balcony.
CON: If we need to take out the garbage, all we need to do is aim carefully and chuck it off the balcony.
PRO: We have a showerhead.
CON: The showerhead is not connected to the wall.
Well, all I can say is that when we do eventually get home, I am going to love on my house like never before. I mean, honestly there probably hasn’t been a day that has gone by where I didn’t consciously think about how much I love our house- every inch of it, every day, but this is just going to make me into a hermit for good. I can’t even wait to take pleasure in just cleaning it, knowing that it’s ours, that we don’t sleep under the ugliest sheets in the universe that give your skin polyester burns each time you change positions, and that nobody else’s vinegary feet have trod across our carpet dropping cigarette ashes. In 5 days it will be a full month that we’ve been away. That to me is incredible.
Oh, and it’s 4:30pm and I’m drinking wine straight out of the bottle. Because I’m haaaaaardcore.
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