We’re sitting around the house for the last few minutes before we leave for our 3rd appt this afternoon at 2pm. Last night we went out with the Smiths for supper, which is actually cheaper than cooking if you eat at one of the many Kiev cafeteria type restaurants that are all over the city- I will devote an entire post to that, later. Because it’s pretty interesting, and if you ever come here, it is an incredible money-saver, as well as eating pretty authentic Ukrainian cooking, like home-cooking.
When we came home, we got the call from Anna to be ready for 2pm. And then she said something that dimmed the excitement: “Have you guys called in sick yet?”
Instantly, stomach plummeted to the floor. Why is this an unhappy question? Because if today is really a catch-up day where there are supposed to me many new files for review, then surely there has to be ONE decent file meant for us! But if they are asking about the possibility of calling in sick, that only happens if it’s not looking good and they don’t want to waste our last shot at the Dept on kids that are not healthy enough to be adopted into Canada. We will not know until we get there, and even 2pm could come and go with Xenia delaying us deliberately if she hears of a couple of new files that are ready to appear late in the afternoon before the Dept closes for the day. So technically, we could be standing in the hall waiting for hours, and it will be no problem to then just say we’re too ill all of a sudden to make the last appt. That’s just how it is done, it fools no one, and then we’ll have to go to another damned lawyer to have special paperwork drawn up saying we were unable to attend the appt due to illness which will have to be submitted, another week to go up the food chain to be stamped and signed by the Dept Director, then back down through the bowels of every Tom, Dick and Vladimir once again until the psychologist finally gets it, and puts us into the appointment book for the following week or so.
OMG- phone just rang- it was Anna. I think we’re going to be fucked again for this week. She’s already talking about strategy. If we are stuck here for another 2 weeks I’m going to scream! And then I’m going to cry because I just don’t know how we are going to do it. In any sense of the definition.
Gotta go- as soon as we know ANYTHING, I will update the blog. And I’m already going to take some 222’s for the migraine I feel coming on. Migraine, Ukraine! Hilarious. They rhyme.
OMG Carly I so feel for you, This has got to be a better week and one that your Mena will be with you, so you can all come home and be happy!! Wishing you all the best.